Reduction And Intractibility

16 Mar 2017 |

Complexity Classes

With complexity classes, we aim to determine the “difficulty” of a problem. They allow us to know what is solvable in polynomial time and what isn’t. This is what the \(P = NP\) problem deals with. \(P=NP\) implies that for any polynomial time verification solution, there is a polynomial time solver for the problem. Most computer scientists believe that \(P \neq NP\). Assuming \(P \neq NP\),



Loosly, \(P\) is defined as the set of all problems such that there is a polynomial time solution. This means that the solution to a problem \(a \in P\) runs in \(O(n^k)\) time where \(k\) is some constant.


Loosly, \(NP\) is defined as the set of all problems such that there is a polynomial time verification.


Loosly, \(NP-Hard\) problems are such that any problem in \(NP\) can be reduced to that \(NP-Hard\) problem. Notice that the problen need not be in \(NP\). We have a special class of problems for those, as seen below.


Loosly, \(NPC\) problems are considered the hardest problems in \(NP\). Basically, any problem in \(NP\) can be reduced to a \(NPC\) problem. This means that any \(NPC\) problem can be reduced to another \(NPC\) problem. As you can see \(NPC \subset NP-Hard\)


Reductions allow us to to determine the difficulty of a problem.

We say that for two problems \(Y\) and \(X\), \(Y \leq_p X\) if instances of \(Y\) can be solved by a polynomial amount of computation plus a polynomial number of calls to a “black-box” that solves \(X\).


You can think of reduction as calling a library as part of your solution. For example.

In order for reductions to work, we have to have some set of problems that are known to be \(NPC\). A common starting point is \(SAT\), or boolean satisfiability. Karp has a famous paper containing 21 \(NPC\) problems you can view here. Here are some popular \(NPC\) Problems


For \(3SAT\), we are given a boolean formula \(\Phi\) in CNF form (conjunctive normal form) such that for each clause \(C_r\), \(C_r = l_1 \lor l_2 \lor l_3\). We return true if this boolean formula is satisfiable.


We say that a graph \(G\) has a clique of size \(k\) if there is a set of vertices \(I\) such that \(\left\vert{I}\right\vert = k\) and \(I\) is fully connected.

We will give a reduction from \(CLIQUE\) to \(3SAT\).

We can define our function \(A\) as follows:

For each \(C_r = ( l_1 \lor l_2 \lor l_3)\) for \(r =1,\ldots,k\) , create corresponding vertices \(v_1, v_2, v_3\) in \(V\). Now add an edge between \(v_i^r\) and \(v_j^s\) if \(r \neq s\) and the corresponding literals are consistent( You can’t connect \(\neg l_1\) to \(l_1\)). Now we se that if there is a clique of size \(k\), there is a satisfiable boolean formula for 3SAT.

Vertex Cover

We will prove that \(VERTEX\ COVER \leq_p CLIQUE\).

We say that a graph \(G = (V,E)\) has a vertex cover of size \(k\) if there is a subset of vertices \(S \subset V\) that covers all edges in the graph and \(\left\vert{S}\right\vert = k\).

Given a graph \(G = (V,E)\), we can generate the complement graph \(\bar{G} = (V, \bar{E})\). Now, we solve the problem \(CLIQUE(\bar{G}, \left\vert{V}\right\vert - k)\), and return \(YES\) if we have a solution, and \(NO\) otherwise.

You can see a full proof here

Written on March 16, 2017