Divide And Conquer

06 Mar 2017 |

There are usually three steps to a divide and conquer algorithm

  • Divide the problem into subproblems
  • Recursively solve each subproblem
  • Merge the results together

Master Theorem

The master theorem provides a solution for recurrence relations from divide and conquer algorithms. You can read more about the master theorem here.

Let some recurrence \(T(n) = \alpha T(\frac{n}{b}) + f(n)\) Then consider the Recursion Tree of \(T(n)\)

Let \(k = \log_b{n}\) be the depth of the recursion tree

Let \(\alpha^i = \text{the number of subproblems at level } i\)

Let \(\frac{n}{b^i} = \text{the size of subproblems at level } i\)

\[T(n) = \begin{cases} O(n^k) \text{ if } f(n) = O(n^{k-\epsilon}) \text{ for some } \epsilon > 0 \\ O(n^k \log^{p+1}{n}) \text{ if } f(n) = O(n^k \log^{p}{n}) \\ O(f(n)) \text{ if } f(n) = O(n^{k+\epsilon}) \text{ for some } \epsilon > 0 \\ \end{cases}\]



Fast Exponentiation


Written on March 6, 2017