Constraint Satisfaction

12 Oct 2017 |

Constraint satisfication is similar to search problems. You can check out a solver I wrote here

For a group of variables, \(x_1, x_2, \ldots , x_n\), with domains \(D_1, D_2, \ldots , D_n\), we want to find an assignment for each variable such that no constraints are violated.

From a problem, we can create a constraint graph, which is a visualization of the dependencies between variables. Each variables is represented by a vertex and an edge represents a constraint.

Types of Constraints

  • Unary Constraint - Constraints involving just one variable (\(A > 0\)).
  • Binary Constraint - Constraints involving two variables ( \(A \neq B\)).
  • Global Constraint - Constraints involving two or more variables ( \(A \neq B \neq C\))

Solving Contraint Satisfaction Problems

Naively, we can try to formulate a search problem, randomly assigning a variable a value from it’s domain at each stage in the search tree. However, this means that the total # of states generated is \(n!d^n\), where \(d\) is the number of elements in th edomain and \(n\) is the number of variables.

We can exploit the fact that variable assignment is communatitive to speedup our serach. At each level, we assign only to a single variable that is determined. Using this, we get a runtime of \(O(d^n)\), a significant improvement.


  • Least Remaining Values - when choosing a variable to assign, pick the variable that has the fewest states.
  • Degree Heurestic - when choosing a variable to assign, pick the variable with the highest degree. The idea behind these two heurestics is to detect failure early, to avoid unnecessary expansion.
  • Least Constraing Value - when choosing a value to assign to a variable, pick the value that leaves the most remaining choices for the other unassigned variables.

Detecting Failure

  • Local Consistency - after each assignment, check that no constraints are violated
  • Forward Checking - after each assignment, look at all the neighbors and remove all remaining values.
  • Arc Consistency - after each assignment, recursively apply forward checking, propogating information everytime you make an assignment

Exploiting Problem Structure

If our constraint graph is a tree, there is a \(P\) solution to variable assignment. You may be able to use Tree Decomposition to break down your constraint graph into a tree, and then solve each tree with message passing.


Games can be broken down into different categories.

  Deterministic Chance
Perfect chess backgammon
Imperfect battleship poker

Formulating Games

In each game, there is said to be a min and max player, who take turns playing. A move by a min/max player is called a ply, while a move is when every player gets a ply.

Each game also has a temrinal test and a set of operators, much like search funcitons.

Furthermore, every ame has a utility function that determines the value of the final state. The max player seeks to maxamize the utility function, while the min player seeks to minimize the function.

If \(Utility(MAX) = -Utility(MIN)\) the game is said to be a zero-sum game.

Solving Games


Minimax builds a search tree, with min and max nodes. A min node is the mininum of all its children, while a max node is the max of all its children. With this game tree, we are able to determine the optimal move by simply running DFS with backtracking to compute the min/max.

However, in practice, this tree is too large to build practically. Instead, we limit the depth of the tree and create a Evaluation function, which is an approximation of the current game state.

We can use iterative deeepening to avoid keeping the whole tree in memory.

\(\alpha-\beta\) Pruning

However, we can avoid looking at certain nodes with pruning. If we keep track of two values, \(\alpha\), and \(\beta\), we can prune roughly 1/2 of the nodes and avoid looking at them.

Written on October 12, 2017