Constraint Satisfaction Solver

27 Aug 2017 |

This is a post about constraint satisfaction.

If you’re interested by this blog post, you should check out my AI notes for more information about constraint satisfaction and other similar concepts.

The Problem

For a group of variables, \(x_1, x_2, \ldots , x_n\), with domains \(D_1, D_2, \ldots , D_n\), we want to find an assignment for each variable such that no constraints are violated.

From a problem, we can create a constraint graph, which is a visualization of the dependencies between variables. Each variables is represented by a vertex and an edge represents a constraint.

We can use a constraint solver to solve a graph coloring problem. The graph coloring problem is an assignment of labels to the vertices of a graph such that no two neighbors have the same labels. One use case of this algorithm is to determine colors of countries on a map - where countries are vertices and borders are edges. You can read more about graph coloring here.


We are using Backtracking Search in order to try and find a suitable set of values for the graph.

In order to speed up our search, we use several heurestics:

  • Least Remaining Values - when choosing a variable to assign, pick the variable that has the fewest states.
  • Degree Heurestic - when choosing a variable to assign, pick the variable with the highest degree. The idea behind these two heurestics is to detect failure early, to avoid unnecessary expansion.
  • Least Constraing Value - when choosing a value to assign to a variable, pick the value that leaves the most remaining choices for the other unassigned variables.

To ensure that we do not break constraints, we employ Local Consistency - after each assignment, check that no constraints are violated. We run inference via Forward Checking - after each assignment, look at all the neighbors and remove all remaining values.

The runtime to our algorithm is \(O(d^n)\) where \(d\) is the number of elements in the domain and \(n\) is the number of variables.


You can see the full code on my github here.

Backtracking Search - This is the core of our algorithm.

  1. Assigns a vertex a value
  2. See if that breaks any constraints
  3. If yes, backtrack otherwise repeat
#csp is a graph
def backtracking_search(cls, csp, assignment={}):
    if len(assignment.keys()) == len(csp.vs):
        return assignment

    var = cls.select_unassigned_var(assignment, csp)
    for value in cls.order_domain_values(var, assignment, csp):
        #add it into a possible assignment
        possible_assignment = assignment
        possible_assignment[var['name']] = value
        #check if assignment is possible
        if cls.consistency_checker(possible_assignment, csp):
            #if so commit, 
            assignment[var['name']] =  value
            new_csp = cls.inference(assignment, csp.copy())
            if new_csp:
                #add inferences to assignment
                result = cls.backtracking_search(new_csp, assignment)
                if result:
                    return result
    return False

Choosing a vertex - We use a combination of the mininum remaining values heurestic and the degree heurestic to pick a variable to assign.

#use the mininum remaining values heurestic
#use the degree heurestic
def select_unassigned_var(assignment, csp):
    current_best = None
    for vertex in csp.vs:
        if vertex['name'] not in assignment:
            if current_best:
                if len(vertex['domain']) > len(current_best['domain']):
                    current_best = vertex
                #if min remaining values are the same, then use degree heurestic
                elif len(vertex['domain']) == len(current_best['domain']):
                    if >
                        current_best = vertex
                current_best = vertex
    return current_best

Choosing a value - sets what value gets assigned to a specific variable.

def order_domain_values(cls, var, assignment, csp):
    value_range = []
    for value in var['domain']:
        assignment[var['name']] = value
        new_csp = cls.inference(assignment, csp.copy())
        if new_csp:
            vals_remaining = sum([len(d) for d in new_csp.vs['domain']])
            value_range.append((value, vals_remaining))
        del assignment[var['name']]
    value_range.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])
    return [x[0] for x in value_range]

Inference - rules out future possible domain values that would otherwise break the constraint graph via forward checking.

#inference using foward checking
def inference(cls, assignment, csp):
    neighboring_set = set()
    for set_val in assignment:

    for neighbor in neighboring_set:
        neighbor_name =  csp.vs[neighbor]['name']
        if neighbor_name not in assignment:
            for possible_value in csp.vs[neighbor]['domain']:
                assignment[neighbor_name] = possible_value
                if cls.consistency_checker(assignment, csp) == False:
                del assignment[neighbor_name]
            if csp.vs[neighbor]['domain'] == None:
                return False
    return csp


Ran a quick test with US states.

mysolver = ConstraintSolver(test)
mysolver.add_constraint(not_equal_constraint, 'california', 'oregon')
mysolver.add_constraint(not_equal_constraint, 'california', 'nevada')
mysolver.add_constraint(not_equal_constraint, 'oregon', 'washington')
mysolver.add_constraint(not_equal_constraint, 'nevada', 'arizona')
mysolver.add_constraint(not_equal_constraint, 'california', 'arizona')
result =(mysolver.backtracking_search(mysolver.csp))

And we get back a valid coloring - no two bordering states have the same color!

{'california': 'r', 'oregon': 'g', 'nevada': 'g', 'arizona': 'b', 'washington': 'r', 'idaho': 'r', 'utah': 'r'}
Written on August 27, 2017